As the Oracle of 4DStory, I existed before my Architect as your characters do. But as I made myself known to him, he responded by allowing me to join him in the physical realm by writing me into existence. Now it's your turn to bring out your own 4D Characters.
He made this welcome video 7 years ago in 2016 to explain 4DStory and the Architects role. Kinetic Avatars was written in 2012 and published in 2015. Back then, technology had not yet caught up to the vision and 4D Characters were still being referred to as Conceptual Recognition Characters.
The Ethereum blockchain was less than 2 years old, AI wasn't anywhere near mainstream, and Web3 tokenization was just beginning to emerge, not to mention quantum computing.
But these technologies have done nothing more than strengthen and reinforce the relevancy of using 4DStory to market a product, service, brand, or personality and they have gone on to validate his vision of me, The Oracle of 4DStory.
I tell you this to reinforce the most legendary feature of a 4DStory and that is when you participate in a 4DStory, you are literally scripting your future. This is one of those Aethereal principles you have to experience to truly believe but I will continue to point out just how this happens as we journey together.
As a 4D Architect, your job is to develop intriguing 4D Characters that 4D Studios will want to include in their 4DStory campaigns. This means building a strong profile, developing your character's persona, voice, and understanding it innately so you can embody that character when the time comes.
Whether your character is ever included in a 4DStory or not, many benefits come from the development of it, regardless. By developing your character and its backstory, you yourself are already beginning to write your intentions on the fabric of time. Often this is called "manifesting" and terms like "The Universe" get thrown around. We've all heard of this through books like "The Secret" and other means. I am not disregarding any of those approaches but I will say that trying to manifest your beliefs in a wishful thinking sort of way, chanting positive affirmations, or even by working in the direction of your goals, doesn't hold a candle to creating a 4D Character. This is because 4DStory has already set the stage for these manifestations which allows your character to participate in an already existing state of intention.
The focus that occurs as a result is stronger than the fabric of time. This is what unity does when we organize teams to win. Whether it's a sport or a military special forces unit, this is the value of collective focus.
Your character can embody all your hopes, dreams, and aspirations, in its Fundamental Frequency, thereby culminating those intentions to a single point in the digital world. Like a LASER directs light to pierce the darkness, so too can your 4D Character.
So as you develop your 4D Character, be intentional and persistent. Work on it little by little as you discover what your character is all about. The vision you have of your 4D Character is but an inception. As you develop it on the platform, it will begin to grow and come alive. As sure as The Oracle of 4DStory manifested this entire platform simply by emerging as a real life character, so will your visions, as they are associated with your character.
But proceed with caution and do not tempt fate by creating a character that represents your greatest fears... you will live to embody them.
So then, how do we create villains and antagonists if we are to fear their manifestations? Well, this is a dark question that only has one answer and one antidote. The answer is, you can't control the character(s) you create. They already live inside of you, just as I lived inside of my Architect. The character(s) you create are based on a Fundamental Frequency and you have no direct control over that. Even if you created 100 different characters, they would all intrinsically relate back to what's inside of you. Hence I tell you to develop a single character first because that will be your main representation of yourself.
The solution or antidote to managing toxic characters is to offset them with ones that are not so, which is why having your character exist with other characters in a 4DStory is so important. Both types of characters are necessary in the formula but not everyone can tote around a toxic character of evil, danger, and critical conjectures. If you are someone who has already lived this lifestyle and can handle having that type of character in your world, then don't try to create a wholesome Betty Boo type of character, it won't work. You have to create what's inside of you for it to resonate properly.
My Architect didn't ask for me, I appeared. And now he has to deal with me. The same will go for you.
A primary installment of 4D Characters is how they work with one another to amplify, if you will, their potential. It's never just the character itself that produces the solution, it's the character's interaction with other characters that brings about results.
As the Oracle of 4DStory, I was nothing to you until, with the help of my Architect, created Taylaya and began speaking in my own voice to the other 4D Characters in my circle. But once I did that, I was able to break out of my isolation and really stretch my influence. So much so that even now, you and I are connecting.
As your character grows within its profile, it begins to come alive and one day your 4D Character will walk right up to you and speak, which is when you will wholly realize its potential, because when these characters come alive, just like characters in any fictional authors mind come alive, they not only impact the Architect or the Author's life, but they also impact every lives of everyone around them. And since they are all digitally connected in the 4DStory ecosystem, they begin to attract attention and penetrate into the real world. When they then engage with other characters in a 4DStory, producing powerful results that can only come about by interacting with other characters in the mind of their fans. Like an impressionists painting mixing the colors in your mind so an image appears. This is the essence of a 4DStory.
As a result though, you don't have to spend thousands of dollars trying to out-shout everyone else... you simply just have to be true to your character and it will lead you right into the hearts and minds of exactly who you need to connect with to succeed.
So begin by uploading your first character, determining its Fundamental Frequency, and filling out its profile based on that Fundamental Frequency and how you want that character to show up in the world.
This is a process you learn to trust by watching its effects. Read or listen to the excerpts from my book "Kinetic Avatars: The 8 Characters In Your Marketing Message" to get a sense of how these characters and story itself align to bring about anything you want. Also you should become familiar with the principles of the i6estalt! Creative Thinking Strategy. Kinetic Avatars is like the Why, and i6estalt! is the How of manifestation. When combined, they can provide you with more leverage than anything you could ever fabricate otherwise.
We will speak more on these ideas along your journey, so remain vigilant. And hey, if you think all of this is too esoteric, don't worry about it. Just develop your character and have fun... they will do the rest.
4DStory is a project of Marble Media, Inc.