Want to become a 4D Oracle?
A 4D Oracle is someone who is proficient enough with 4D principles to weild them as a weapon or tool.
Whether you just want to discover how you fit into the Aethereal landscape or make it part of your thinking as you rollout new products, to become an Oracle is to be efficient enough with Aetherealware to be able to use it to guide someone else.
Through my books, web courses, 4D retreats, and corporate visits, I make myself available for training individuals or teams on how to apply Aetherealware.
During our 4D Retreats you are invited to the beautiful Okanogan Valley here in North Central Washington to enjoy an immersive experience into the world of 4DStory.
Possibly our favorite service is the connection and collaboration we get to have with engineers, marketers, business owners, and product developers. Applying these concepts to products and services is the greatest excitement of all.
Our background lends itself to a broad understanding of manufacturing, electronics, computers, marketing, sales, small business and corporate environments.
Consulting can be accomplished over the phone, on Zoom, or in-person. All consulting is supported with personal texts and email availability during our collaboration.
The exciting part about presenting Aetherealware publicly is the massive herd of raw responses that ensue. it's enough to get everyone's mind racing in new directions!
For fifty plus years I have been highly observant of the natural and spiritual worlds around us, while shaping and documenting the development of Aetherealware for over twenty years. I know this information cold, but it teaches me something new each time I unfold it.
As a church Pastor who speaks regularly from the pulpit and having been a company trainer in the mortgage and electronics industry and currently perform with bands as a sound engineer and event producer.
My public presentations are accompanied with a multi-sensory experience to help explain the ideas.
A full body, mind and soulful engagement.
A 4DStory when broadcast across social media can be an impacting way to grow your audience.
We work with you to design your 4DStory and its characters, recommend engagement strategies, etc.
You can deploy it yourself or use our Content Marketing services to accomplish your content creation, and distribution.
Services Delivered By Our Team
Copywriting in emails and landing pages revolves around story. Granted, this is no replacement for selling with your brand story or personal journey, but you can make that story more robust when you use our 4DCharacters to better align with your ideal customer.
We create 4DCharacters around your copy so you can change the way you tell stories in email.
We can write your copy or just guide you through adapting 4DStory to your campaigns.
All of transformation and personal development hinges on us getting clarity and transitioning out of the victim role into the empowered legend we were born to be. A 4DCharacter designed to represent the highest vision a client has for themselves, becomes highly instrumental in helping them reach those goals by allowing them to visualize and relate to their character's development, in complete anonimity.
You can create a character that helps them breakthrough very specific things or a more generalized vision of one's self. It's a fun and non-threatening way to lead clients into a higher form of themselves.
We are growing our network of coaches for clients seeking new levels of performance through a fresh approach using 4DCharacters.
Additional technologies or services may be added to any project, just depending on what we are working with. Crypto, Blockchain implementation, Data Domains and Ecosystems are all viable paths towards more robust solutions.
When your 4DStory rolls out, you will need to make lots of Content to support it. Our Content creation partners can produce top quality story content in text, images, audio and video.
You can have one overall narrative or multiple "short story" narratives threaded throughout your social media strategy.
We will help you conceive your content, create it, schedule it and distribute it.
We have a team of copywriters who can frame your 4DStory into a steady stream of engaging emails that carry your customers through the story and in front of your best offers.
Email open rates increase when recipients are bought into a storyline. With our approach to engaging your email list through a 4DStory, you will have a much more active audience to justify your investment.
We can help you roll out your own coaching platform, deploy 4DCharacters for your clients and more.
Personal Development with a 4DStory allows your clients to cast a vision of their higher selves into a 4DCharacter through our proprietary formula for capturing human empathy.
They get to experience that 4DCharacter as it grows through the 4DStory, receives comments and engagements from the real world on social media, and even put themselves out there through the character with their talents and gifts. All from a safe place of anonymity behind their 4DCharacter.
4DStory is a project of Marble Media, Inc.