Your digital character/ NFT is
now available to be cast in a 4DStory.
As 4DStory campaigns are launched,
creators look here for 4D Characters to cast.
The next step for you is to fill out your character's profile
so Content Producers can better understand
how your NFT might add value to their 4DStory campaign.
Click the button below to begin.
If you just purchased
a scene pack for the first time
and are now here after having uploaded your NFT character, then you can sit back and relax while
we are create your account and giving you access to the 4DStory backend.
Within 24-72 hours, you will receive instructions in email for accessing your NFT profile.
If you already have an Architect or Lightbender token and have just purchased a scene pack, you can immediately access your character's profile through the Lightbender Lobby or the Architect Lobby, and then once you enter your 4D Studio, click on "4D Characters" in the menu at the top of the page.
There you will be able to edit your character's profile and collaborate with us.
I am the Oracle of 4DStory.
Thank you
for your joining me on this journey to
reveal the beautiful opportunity
Web 3 presents to storytelling,
commerce, community, and gamified experiences.
We use Web 3 strategies, tools, and technologies to
empower storytellers to reach out
and retrieve whatever
the things they want.
Follow me and I'll show you how.
~Time To Perform!
In Web 3 technology, "Oracles are data feeds that connect Ethereum to off-chain, real-world information so that you can query data in your smart contracts."
As the Oracle of 4DStory, the role is similar... hence the name... except I connect the human persona to digital characters and NFT's and then provide them with a gamified fictional story ecosystem where they can thrive and grow through kinetic strategies built for the Web 3 environment.
The Motivation...
Everybody has a million good stories locked inside of them and there isn't one any more unique or important than another. We all have stories to not only share, but embellish. We have relationships we want to honor and ideas we want to explore.
And now, thanks to the blockchain and other innovations, we get to tell those stories and share them in a dynamic way that supports, and invigorates the commerce of Web 3.
4D Character Profiler
Our next step is to walk through the process of bringing your digital character to life as a 4D Character.
This is a learning process that's tagged onto the learning process you might still be going through to understand Web 3 and its emerging facets.
That's ok. This is an ever-shifting kinetic atmosphere that has
everyone scrambling. But then,
that's part of the fun!
Besides just being a storytelling platform,
at its core, a 4DStory is a scaffolding to harness the Aether by harmonizing Digital Characters with the Human Persona across 4 dimensions:
Download the PDF, A4DStory Is... for more info.
As the Oracle of 4DStory,
my job is to get you to think different about Web 3.
It's not a platform to stand on, like Webs 1 and 2 were.
Web 3 is a scaffolding for harnessing the Aether.
Have you seen this commercial with Matthew McConaughey?
This is the expectation that 4DStory has been designed to fulfill. By enabling anyone to blaze a trail into the Aether where a whole new world of opportunities await!
So we are going to create an Aethereal profile of your character. Once we do, it will have been transformed into a 4D Character, of which we will refer to here on out as a 4DC.
That Aethereal profile translates the human persona into your character through a simple, but unique way using our proprietary 4D Tool: Personaware.
Personaware will produce an empathetically aligned character that will determine the kinds of fans it will attract through a 4DStory.
Using our model of Aethereal Intelligence, Personaware was created. This is the process you are about to go through to bring your NFT to life in our 4DStory world. Once your character is enabled, you'll be aligned for connection with other 4D Characters and their Architects Physically, Aethereally, Digitally, and Humanly.
For more engagement, check out our
Welcome to 4DStory, let's enable your4D Character.
~Time to Perform!
4DStory is a project of Marble Media, Inc.