Welcome to Taylaya
4DStory is a pen
by which we can
indelibly write the future...
As The Oracle, I am but a servant, unable to bridle each and every traveller I meet. It is up to the Lightbenders, Architects, and Oracles of any 4DStory,
to handle it with a love and respect for all humanity.
Aethereal Intelligence emerged to bring balance to the potential threat of Artificial Intelligence, but it isn't impervious to the same corruption that can demonize any technology, because all technology is tied to the human persona, which when unified around its common denominator is confused at best and downright evil at its worse.
The deliverables of a 4DStory ought to be filled with a conviction of hope that transforms its fans, centered around the theme and community of that 4DStory.
But by operating at an Aethereal level, we can turn Antagonists into Mentors & Sidekicks
and manifest some unbelievable things.
To ensure your 4DStory aligns with a community in the way I speak of, we have developed "Friendship Pods," a token community philosophy and infrastructure that efficiently distributes and maximizes this power, focusing it on producing some good in the world.
You can learn more at FriendshipPods.com
Now, let's get to a 4DStory!
Taylaya translates as
"School of the Esoteric"
Here at Taylaya we welcome you into our school
to teach the strategies of creating and deploying
Conceptual Representation Characters (CRC's.)
SIM Characters / CRC's were the original descriptors given to what we now call
4D Characters.
What is a SIM/ CRC/ 4D Character?
SIM stands for Story Integrated Marketing® and is the registered name for an approach to leveraging the Internet to create virtual characters and organize them around a metaphysical model that allows them to empathize with fans as it promotes products, services, businesses, artists, or to simply entertain.
You can learn more by reading the book...
These 4D Characters are then mobilized as they interact in a storyline across social media and the Metaverse. The viewer is impacted by a 4D perspective of the story
while marketers and advertisers are encouraged to integrate brands with the story.
A 4DStory never has to end, so it can be a message that never stops playing. In this school we teach marketers and storytellers how to produce a 4DStory to manifest a social tornado of influence across the web and the Metaverse through the creation and deployment of 4D Characters and their stories.
With Personaware at the heart of its construction, your 4D Character will naturally connect to its audience.
We are thrilled you are here... you are in the right place!

Use the links below to access the training modules
for building your own 4DStory campaign.
Don't worry, applying
is as simple as answering questions about your
4DCharacter. You can then, metaphysically align it to your target customer, desired fan, or
whatever you desire.
Once you know your 4D Character's
Fundamental Frequency,
it's time to use
the tools, knowledge, and strategies to
a great
2D or 3D
Digital Character for your
We help you register your 4DCharacter on the
Ethereum blockchain
(NFT... Non Fungable Token)
so it can
increase in value
as it grows in popularity. We walk you through how to make
4D Pogs
so your story can go
and we offer full service minting of a
crypto currency.
Sets 5-8 are for
4D Architects
and will introduce you
to strategies that
utilize a 4DStory.
A 4DStory allows its characters to
align with the human experience,
which means you can cast an ideal character to lead clients or yourself into
using your own program or ours... called xl7lx.
Once your 4DStory is launched, influence and revenue can come from sponsorships, affiliate partnerships, advertising, the blockchain, and more.
Deploy your characters in.a way that engages the
right fans at the
right time, as you exponentially increase your data analysis accuracy and
improve connection
Web 3 concepts used by DAO's and crypto token communities.
Whether it's your own nonprofit
or one you'd like to partner with,
we have a program called Legends of Light,
designed to empower a nonprofit
as well as their aligned partners.
Every 4DStory ought to be designed to have an impact.
New Paragraph
Once you get into production,
this new 4D world of opportunity opens up and you discover there are countless approaches to developing your 4DStory.
Here are some resources to help you accomplish them.
There are as many ways to use video as there are untold resources for making them.
Audio allows you to convey your characters emotions in subtle and reaffirming ways. Learn how to leverage sound effects, background noise, and more.
There are countless strategies you can use to popularize and profit from a 4DStory.
Learn the devices that make storytelling so powerful.
The blockchain and crypto currency are key components in moving the 4DStory environment forward, with its ability to offer decentralized transactions and integration through Smart Contracts.
This is a deeper dive into Aetherealware, to help you comprehend all the facets of this phenomenon.
4DStory is a project of Marble Media, Inc.