Register as a Lightbender to download your FREE Kinetic Avatars PDF. Bring Alaric Spicebloom to life using ChatGPT and your Kinetic Avatar PDF.
Once registered you will receive an email with a link to the PDF and instructions for setting it up in ChatGPT, as well as access to TAYLAYA, The Official School of 4D Storytelling for insights on how to use your Kinetic Avatar.
Kinetic Avatar 4D Character Profiles are built
upon the principles found in my book.
You will receive an excerpt upon registration.
Connecting to other 4D Characters is as simple as searching for a character on the 4DStory platform, by their Fundamental Frequency.
Kinetic Avatars is the name given to our program that teaches how to organize your 4D Characters in a way that unconsciously influences fans and teaches you to structure your 4DStory like a
DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization.)
A DAO is the corporate approach to using smart contracts to allow the collective members of a crypto coin to make decisions, spend funds, and more. The more crypto of any currency you hold, the more influence you have in that organization.
DAO's are not perfect, but they are the most organic way decentralized communities can operate.
Kinetic Avatars is the program we created to teach how to build communities with a 4DStory and they mimic the DAO model, but without all the expense and infrastructure.
When we launch a 4DStory, we create an NFT and an ERC-20 token to represent it. That NFT/ Token is a crypto coin. Think of that coin as the sun, in the center of your story solar system. It's what governs everything you do, and it's how you generate value for your followers.
Here's a token created for the 4DStory "Night Shades," a story about a dog and his pub/ restaurant owner as they navigate their way through the emergence of the Metaverse, in a small rural town. Destined for greatness, this group of characters are bombarded by one destructive influence after another, making progress into the future as convoluted as anyone can imagine.
This NFT is owned by the Dawghouse, a restaurant brew pub in Okanogan Washington. Their 4DStory allows them to build a community around the music, food, and drink while inspiring the small town they live in, with opportunities being presented by the emergence of technology and the Metaverse.
Owners of this 4D NFT receive invitations to member-only events, special discounts, etc, just like they would through any other membership. But the difference is they are all unified in the promotion of the 4DStory and the restaurant because the collective influence increases the value of the NFT, as more and more people across the world follow the 4DStory.
The NFT can be used as a gate to these special offerings, as promoted by MintGate and other providers. You can learn more about NFT gates from this post by Blockchain Files.
As you increase the value of your 4D NFT by offering more and more benefits, increasing the membership with coin sales, collaborating and partnering with like-minded companies, etc, your members are benefiting along with you.
So just as a DAO can raise money by selling their crypto coins to investors, a 4DStory can also raise money by selling their NFT... so what's the difference?
The biggest difference is that crypto coins are governed by SMART Contracts; Digital programs designed to execute financial and operational decisions automatically, recording them on the blockchain.
An NFT is not that comprehensive but similar results can be achieve manually, based on NFT holder input. You just have to use the gated NFT concept as a way to invite feedback through surveys, online meetings, etc.
The biggest advantage of a 4DStory structured like a DAO is that it doesn't require the immense overhead to put these rules into action. It's all inherent in how you run your membership.
By minting an NFT for the overall 4DStory, you can empower your membership as its influence progresses. But by minting each 4D Character as well, you can offer a way for the fans aligned with each character to contribute to the story, engage around very specific demographics related to that character and unify to determine each character's influence. This makes the whole platform "kinetic."
With your 4D Character registered on the 4DStory platform, other members can search you out to find you based on your Fundamental Frequency.
As you grow the influence of your 4DStory you can also use your NFT's to attract collaborator's or other influencers, whether they are virtual or physical.
The role of your NFT doesn't stop online, they can be brought into the physical world via the 4D Pog. A 4D Pog is a physical pog made of plastic, cardboard, metal, (like a military challenge coin) or any material you can use to mint an actual, physical coin with an embedded NFC chip.
4D Pogs are programmed with a link to a page that can include profiles, offers, advertisements, a calendar of events, and more.
We call this Physical-to-Digital connection "Phygital."
Join the 4DStory Friendship Pod token community and get personalized support to produce your own 4DStory.
4DStory is a project of Marble Media, Inc.