The Greatest Sales Deck For The Greatest Shift

Taking my cues from Andy Raskin and his post titled “The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen” I thought I would write my own business pitch with his outline.

#1. Name a Big, Relevant Change in the World

The next stage in Marketing/ Advertising will be to organize and replenish consumables around individual and collective beliefs, rather than utilizing fear-based scarcity techniques.

This means advertising will go from “Hey look at us…” to “Hey look at you!” In fact, it’s quite possible advertising and marketing as we know it will be significantly tailored for a fresh look, as these new social models form around emerging tech.

The advent of the blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and quantum computing are now affecting our sales, marketing, and advertising methodologies in a significant way. As these new technologies continue to emerge, more and more disruptions are pointing toward a shift.

This shift is taking us from motivating buyers to action through psychological triggers, leaning heavily on creativity, to one of cradling the beliefs and motivations that are common between supplier and customer and leveraging that unified collective to accurately and cost-effectively supply them with the goods that match their beliefs. By doing this, the supply chain becomes highly efficient and changes as well. But that’s another conversation.

I have a thought model that uses light to systematically define the human experience in a way that can be not only harnessed but also directed.

Since most people have no idea what their actual persona is about, much less a full understanding of their beliefs, or a way to aptly state those beliefs in a structured manner that can serve their wants and desires, it was necessary to develop a way to get at them in anyone, regardless of the facade they may be living or the way they might show up in the world.

I have performed extensive research and testing on the model we use to get at an individual’s persona and have a pile of expert research to prove its efficacy. We, humans, think in color because it’s the most relatable and tangible substance that can be connected to pure energy, spirit, and soul. Color is the most subtle translator of the energy around us and it communicates well in all seven arenas of the human experience; physically, sensually, emotionally, consciously, subconsciously, creatively, and eternally.

The human experience is organized around a few concepts about light that dictate how we interpret this model. The model is built on a foundation that our human bodies are prisms for light energy and light is the essence of all substances. Similar to the way many claim we live in a digital simulation, this conjecture suggests that the simulation is being interpreted moment by moment as a result of how we synthesize incoming light. The external world is our source for this light and from quantum mechanics to color psychology, this assumption has been proven time and again. Our body, soul, and spirit are designed to synthesize this light in various forms from an Aethereal awareness to visible light that gets transmuted into color as a result of light slowing down enough to resonate at the frequencies of the visible light spectrum. Color is the fundamental language of light interpretable by our human instrumentation.

So in this model, light enters our human experience from the first Arena, the Physical, colored violet in our model.

  1. Violet = Physical
  2. Indigo = Sensual
  3. Blue = Emotional
  4. Green = Conscious
  5. Yellow = Subconscious
  6. Orange = Creative
  7. Red = Eternal

This light slows down as its being processed across all 7 Arenas. Some Arenas are passive and don’t do anything to manipulate or impede the light. Others are active, like the Emotional Arena, and will completely rearrange the information before passing it on to the next Arena.

You might recognize this spectrum of light is denoted by the imagery of a rainbow and so we adopt the principles of light to our model, in order to interpret its meaning.

  • Light travels indefinitely
  • Light travels in a straight line
  • Light never dissipates completely
  • Light is initiated outside the human body/ instrument
  • It’s processed through the human instrument
  • It’s passed on into eternity through whatever we believe
  • Light, as well as darkness, commingles with soul and spirit, defining our personalities.

Light is the energy that flows throughout our bodies, with the result being a personalized human experience causing us to show up in the world as a “personality,” housed in physical bodies that interact with each other on a physical plane. As light passes through our 7 Arenas, moment by moment, it is synthesized and either adapted model or rejected. As the light is synthesized, it slows down because the light is energy and cannot be created or destroyed, so it’s constantly dissipating throughout this process, changing its frequency and hence the color.

And this is important because color is the medium that allows us to capture that light and translate it into ones and zero’s in a computer through the hexadecimal code assigned to colors. It’s also important because, for every color there is, there’s another story.

This model works on a micro level and a macro level, allowing us to find trends that can be extrapolated so we can use basic regression analysis to determine high-probability outcomes. So not only does it help us diffuse the smallest movements in the human experience, at a spiritual level but it also allows us to predict the movement of markets and companies, if we properly align the lens.

So with that short intro, let’s look at the graphic above and see what it’s telling us about the coming state of marketing and advertising.

In the early ’20s and before that, snake oil and other products of such were being peddled by traveling salesmen at local carnivals and fairs in a very physical way, using outlandish promises and creative packaging to “charm” their prospects into becoming customers. This was a very physical way to promote a product. Circuses and events used newspaper ads and posters as well… but as we can see, these are predominantly physical engagements, often on a one-to-one basis, being used to promote a product or service.

Then we moved into the ’50s and the Mad Men advertising era of sensuality. This 2nd Arena in the model deals with the 5 senses, each of them being passive contributors to absorbing light energy and bringing it into the body. But it can also be interpreted as sensual… in a stimulating way. That’s what Mad Men marketing was all about.

The 60s to the 80’s introduced a creative revolution that was used to bring inspiration, freedom of expression, and other free love ideals to the marketing message. During this time, marketing and advertising blossomed to embrace our emotional connection to brands and products so furiously, that we saw an entire subculture emerge to make tennis shoes their choice of symbolism for the emotions they are expressing or wanting to express.

Now much of the Emotional Arena extended well into the 90’s and like everything before, certain elements of this still remain but for the most part, we wore out the emotional hype on people and so the next naturally occurring evolution took place, causing us to swing the pendulum the other way.

As the nineties gave way to the turn of the century, with the looming fears of Y2K, advertisers focused on reliability, authenticity, and dependability more than ever. It was very much an era of messaging that spoke to the logical conscious mind. Features and Benefits were the name of the game.

Until buyer’s remorse became a thing and guarantees of returning products to manufacturers became an absolute expectation rather than a benefit.

As the century got underway, technology continued to develop and marketers found ways to leverage it into what are known now as sales funnels. From long page-form landing pages to sideways sales funnels, the idea of systematically leading someone through a series of messages that enabled the marketer to throw psychological switch after switch until the product was purchased, became the norm. With email automation, the marketer's battle cry was now, message them til they are dead. And they do.

But those sales funnels soon became so defined that companies like Click Funnels were able to blueprint the process and make tools that empowered anyone who wanted to market their products. And now the consumer is so hip to the triggers that they are becoming less and less effective.

Around 2015 or so, companies like Adobe really cranked up their graphic design tools, Hollywood perfected CGI, Pixar brought our deepest and most outlandish imaginations to life and suddenly, it was a race to the bottom. The creative tools available to us were weaponized to overwhelm our minds with imagery, hoping with each commercial to capture the spirit of the brand and wrap it around the sound of prospective customers. With the advent of AI, Unreal Engine, and incredible design tools that ensure a quality output, we are all sitting ducks for the level of fear-based anguish that big data combined with this history of compelling customers to buy products will bring us. If we use the power of AI and big data to promote products, the average consumer is going to go so numb that they will just want vendors to deliver whatever makes sense to them. This is where the attitude is headed. I call it the “Feed Me Seymour” (Little Shop of Horrors movie reference.) And with AI churning out answers faster than we can contemplate the questions, people are going to realize their only defense is to circle the wagons around what they believe and then approach the vendor world that way. Well, this is exactly why we developed Friendship Pod token communities, driven by 4DStory campaigns.

So the world is shifting and changing as it always has but this time it’s headed into an Arena that most are unfamiliar with. Most don’t know how this realm operates and how to extract its power for their own. They are completely at the mercy of the Internet or anyone who dangles a fallacy in front of them, that isn’t too difficult to swallow.

This shift is going to bring opportunity as well as change that closes some doors forever.

#2. Show There’ll Be Winners and Losers

Those who continue to use fear-based tactics, interruptive ads, and scarcity as psychological triggers to move people to action, will be looking more and more greedy as this shift continues to manifest itself. So what does this mean for marketing agencies, in particular? It means that your customers are going to be looking for a fresh approach and new methodologies. And if you cannot offer them something fresh, they will be looking elsewhere because they won’t want to get caught up in looking like the greedy ones in this sweeping culture that’s changing as the time's change.

This shift shouldn’t be hard to fathom. People are already becoming exceedingly distrusting of governments, contracts, guarantees, or any other form of agreement. This incidentally is also why the promise of a decentralized blockchain is so appealing with smart contracts that execute with integrity. We are becoming weary and wary of the marketer’s tricks. So much so that ad fatigue is at an all-time high and market penetration with ads at an all-time low.

Artificial Intelligence, is presenting what I call a red herring fix to this problem. Many are looking at AI to be the solution to this need for something fresh, but AI integrated into existing marketing paradigms will simply magnify the pressure marketers are able to put on the buying public, increase the sensationalism of ads, and maybe use the data in malicious ways.

AI also doesn’t have a way to resonate with us at a spiritual level where our beliefs guide our decisions, but that’s exactly what consumers are clamoring for, whether they know it or not. Consumers can see they are being manipulated, so they shut down. They know the salesperson is trying to get them to say yes 7 times, they innately recognize the pattern of open-ended questions leading to close-ended questions, which force those 7 yes’s, and then the close.

Consumers don’t believe the false promises and the taillight guarantees that evaporate in the fine print. We are tired of talking to foreigners for customer support, or worse yet, falling into the abyss of digital substitutes that try to route our calls in vain. We definitely don’t look forward to being engaged by an AI model that was corporately fabricated to pitch us products. All of this minutiae, just to get at products, is beginning to tilt the scales of our tolerance as many are reverting to sustainable lifestyles and minimalist approaches to consumerism, in part to avoid all the calamity of marketing noise.

#3. Tease the Promised Land

We are now becoming so sensitive to these messages that we are discerning them with our spirit, rather than our conscious minds, emotions, or even desires. We want to be spoken to in a way that reinforces our humanity and we want to engage the world of consumerism in a way that extends our effectiveness beyond the norm. To be cradled by a community that shares beliefs, not at a critical level such as the conscious or even the subconscious Arena’s present, but at a divine level where spirit and soul mingle. With replenishment models that support these communities at this level, there’s a potential for the future to offer us highly-attuned products, replenished without us having to expend time and resources acquiring them.

Imagine this… You wake up with coffee brewing, a flavor you’ve never tasted before. It was supplied by your Friendship Pod (the brand name we’ve attached to our token communities.) The aroma is rich and invigorating, you can’t wait to enjoy that first cup. Your breakfast was delivered in your weekly food distribution shipment. Because you are busy in the mornings, your breakfast is pre-cooked and pre-packaged, all without preservatives or substitute ingredients because Just-In-Time delivery systems ensure that products don’t have to sit on a shelf for months on end waiting to be consumed. Furthermore, your breakfast cost a fraction of what it would cost you to purchase the ingredients separately because by organizing replenishment according to persona, suppliers are able to minimize inventories, more easily forecast demand, and better leverage logistics towards providing healthier foods.

The clothes you put on were curated based on your persona, profile, color profile, activity levels, and so on. The input you allowed your private portal to know about you, was utilized to send you the perfect outfit for that particular day in your life. Every time you step out, you are looking good and feel good. Your diet has no waste to it, and it perfectly serves your athletic profile.

You maintain membership in say, 5 to 7 different communities. One community provides all your hard goods, another community soft goods, another one services, and the fourth supplies your entertainment, the fifth community organizes your event and travel schedule for the year, while the last one supplies all your food. Ok, these are just for argument’s sake. The common bond between each community and you are your beliefs, persona, and to a lesser degree your interests, talents, and skill set.

None of these communities ever pitch you for anything, they only support your pursuits and dreams. They never send you emails trying to lure you into their blog posts, sales funnels or anything like that because you have a portal of resources that specifically cater to your persona. And there’s never any context within the community that presents comments, critiques, or public collaboration in order to reduce, if not eliminate, social repression and bigotries.

Each community you belong to seamlessly aligns with your interests to create a unified experience for your lifestyle. The financial contribution you offer each community gets compounded by the growth and influence of the community, driving value to your community tokens, increasing their worth, and possibly generating more return than your membership fees. Beyond all this, are shared experiences with community members that you align with as well as entertaining content flowing through your portal directly to you.

And the best part, if desired, is that you remain completely anonymous to those supplying your goods because your profile is kept private by your community, and is furthermore not tied directly to you, rather it’s being managed from the perspective of an avatar/ NFT/ 4D Character provided through 4DStory.

This means you could maintain a 4D Character profile that supports your ideal persona or just one you want to be, and the result will be that you become that individual, naturally transforming you into the legend you were born to be. (That is the tagline to our XL7LX empowerment program built around these ideas.)

But none of this can happen, or the countless other possibilities that come from this approach to organizing the populace, if we don’t have a way to bind the human persona to the digital blockchain in a decentralized way that frees the customer from the big data bonds of corporate America.

#4. Introduce Features as “Magic Gifts” for Overcoming Obstacles to the Promised Land

Personaware is the magical gift that carries us across the river into this promised land of decentralized replenishment. It’s the means by which we are able to mingle the human persona with digital platforms, leveraging the complexity of digital technology to our benefit while also engaging our audiences at a spiritual level.

Up til now, I have been describing a utopian end game to this approach, which of course will never happen inclusively and most people will end up splitting their preferences between old-world and new-world replenishment models as long as they are supported.

The reality is, Friendship Pods designed around a 4DStory make for a complete solution to living this utopian replenishment lifestyle, but for a while, until this becomes the norm, we will need to mitigate a hybrid approach. Personaware is a model that allows us to align a character or individual persona with a color, in order to convert it to hexadecimal so the computer will understand.

Personaware is not the only instrument that brings this about. The very structure of a Friendship Pod, the production of a 4DStory, and the Story Integrated Marketing® strategies for monetization and influence, all contribute to producing this magic. But all of these are documented, tried, and tested.

#5. Present Evidence that You Can Make the Story Come True

We have written about this subject, designed our own network to demonstrate it, and now are using the Night Shades 4DStory to promote our own digital agency.

All of this may sound a bit utopian which is why we’ve built our own network of Friendship Pods and am in the process of purchasing a 20,000-square-foot building to create a physical footprint on top of these digital concepts. See my post: Square Pegs; Round Holes — What the Metaverse Is and Isn’t.

We are also producing our own 4DStory campaign, called “Night Shades,” and are growing a network of Friendship Pods to substantiate our claims. We have submitted our business plan to the SBA to get a loan to purchase this building, which we are waiting for underwriting to approve. When we submitted it, we were told it was better than 90% of the business plans they receive.

Society is at the very inception of this shift, but I have been working for almost thirty years to create a platform that will transition us into this space with as much benefit to mankind as possible. The longer we work at this, the more opportunities we will find.

I listen to podcasts and read posts constantly that bring up these concepts as issues the market is aware of, and as problems that they are perceiving. I hear them vocalize a theory of how to address them, but never a solution that works, because they are working from the previous paradigm. The world is shifting towards a more spiritual engagement, and we must too.

It won’t be long before there will be regular manifestations of wizardry by everyday people who will astonish many and get leverage over everyone. Hopefully, they will use those powers for good, but the bigger concern is that when they start teaching their methods to the masses and supernatural occurrences become an everyday thing, it’s going to disrupt society far beyond what we are seeing with biotech, AI, the blockchain, etc. Again, hopefully for the good of all. But just in case that doesn’t happen like we want, I am here to offer a transitional tool that works in Web2, embraces Web3, and defines Web4.

We have built a platform as a solution for this problem that’s only now coming into view for most, but that’s the whole reason we built it, to be a safety net for those who will get caught up in this shift.

Opportunity always exists at the beginning of a shift but to prosper from that shift, someone needs to forge a trail and take the necessary steps to design a comprehensive solution that can be followed. We hope you will join us on our journey and help us create a utopian escape for those who want it.

After all, as our tagline states… This Time It’s For All the Marbles!

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