Minting a community crypto coin for your 4DStory is the ultimate way to monetize and further popularize your Web 3 Community. Or you can join the 4DStory network and use our $4DStory ERC-20 governance token.
Registering your 4D Character as an NFT is another effective way to integrate your 4D Characters with the blockchain. See, the idea is that you create a cool character where you have all the AI descriptors organized in your portal for that character, a great profile and a history of that character being true to it's 4D profile. Now, your character starts getting invited to participate in various 4DStory platforms because your character is well-defined and that makes it effective. This is why you want to register that character as an NFT, so it can collect all this value being generated by the 4DStory campaigns your character is involved in.
Distributing 4D Pogs is a great way to share your digital story with the physical world... making it a Phygital conversation you can have with fans.
There's plenty to explore in this set, but we are going to keep it
simple at the outset.
The options below will guide you to:
1) Creating your 4D Pog with NFC/ QR Codes
2) Registering your 4D Character as an NFT
Minting a Crypto Token
4DStory is a project of Marble Media, Inc.